Although Thornton Wilder died in 1975, it was not until the new century that key archival holdings, notably records held by Wilder's attorneys, dramatic agents and family members, became available and could be consulted by those wishing to build up a full, accurate picture of Wilder’s life and work. 

Two volumes have been written since the full archive has been open and the Wilder Family highly recommends them to directors, dramaturgs, actors and members of the production team.  They are excellent resources, providing background and context for the Play:

  • Thornton Wilder: A Life (2012) by Penelope Niven.  The first definitive biography of Thornton Wilder, published by Harper Collins.

  • The Selected Letters of Thornton Wider (2008) edited by Robin G. Wilder and Jackson R. Bryer.  A sampling of some of Wilder’s thousands of letters together with important biographical material.

Additional approved resources are listed below, providing further information about Wilder’s work; the correct places to approach for reprint rights for photographs, extracts from Wilder’s novels, plays and letters; plus ways to connect with Wilder experts and fans across the world.  Theatre teams will find they are a great help in creating interesting and accurate programme notes and press releases.